Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Welcome to the new team blog of the Catawba River District

The Catawba River at the Mountain Island Lake dam

By Rich Haag, Catawba River District Communications

Eight of us have come together to blog about themes essential to healthy and vibrant communities. Our focus is the Catawba River District on the northwest edge of Charlotte, NC. Our ideas, however, will help all who would nurture a place on Planet Earth where people can thrive now and a century from now.
Who are we?
Some of us are experts. One of us might be a dog! All of us have a passion for our topics and love to share what we have learned with people like you. Read the author profiles on this site to learn more about us. Read our posts over the coming months to learn much more!
What will we offer you?
Each day one of us will share ideas about his or her special interest:
  • We’ll celebrate the beauty of the Catawba River while confronting the grave threats to its health – and ours.
  • We’ll explore the benefits and difficulties of growing our food and buying it locally.
  • We’ll look at ways to nurture our local businesses and walkable village centers.
And we’ll cover much more, as you will soon discover.
What can YOU offer us?
Help turn our blogs into dialogues. We look forward to reading your comments and suggestions to our posts. We want to learn much more about you. We want to learn FROM you, as well. So when you read something here and think, “Hmmm ….,“ write us a response!
Help us broaden the blogosphere
If you find our blogs useful, chances are your friends will, too. So please share our posts with them. You can sign up on this page to get daily blogs via e-mail. We’ll also send out the day’s topic via Facebook and Twitter, so Friend us. We’d love for you to Forward, Like, Comment and re-Tweet our blogs. Heck, you even can TALK to friends about our blogs!
We’re ready to blog!
Here is our preliminary schedule of days, topics and bloggers. The schedule will probably change as we get rolling. We’ll let you know if it does.
  • Mondays – “That’s Farming” by Jeffie and Chris Hardin
  • Tuesdays - “Naturally Wonderful” by Rich Haag
  • Wednesdays – “Keep It Local” by Barbara Lawrence
  • Thursdays – “Catawba River Women” by Carla Linster
  • Fridays – “Clean And Clear Catawba” by Alice Battle
  • Saturdays – “Sustainable Healthy Living” by Sheila Mullen
  • Sundays – “Sage Canine Advice” by Sage the Lab and Edna Chirico

About Rich Haag Rich is communications director of the Catawba River District. Over the last 26 years he has spent nearly a year's worth of time visiting wilderness areas across North America and living out of the family pop-up camper with his wife and their sons. Rich also loves cycling and has ridden nearly 100,000 miles since coming to Charlotte in 1979.

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