Saturday, February 25, 2012

Changing The World Around Us, One Bite At A Time

Sustainable Healthy Living, by Sheila Mullen – Feb. 25, 2012
The burning issues of our day: local food, personal growth and development, activism, the environment, children’s rights, women’s rights, animal rights, world health, world peace and economic and job growth can be dramatically improved by what we eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It truly is revolutionary. Or maybe not.
Stop and ponder that thought: the world can change by what is on your plate. This is your wake-up call regarding the critical role food plays to our health and well-being. Unfortunately, like a fish in water doesn’t fully understand the importance of water to its survival, people don’t really understand that food changes everything. If the fish were removed from the water, it would die. Many of us are eating food not fit for human consumption, and slowly we are killing ourselves.
We are at the edge of change in healthcare; there is no way we can continue in this manner. My vision is to have health coaches working side by side with doctors to create integrative medicine where the best of traditional medicine and the best of holistic services are available in a simple, easy-to-understand way for everyone. It just makes sense to eat more fruits and vegetables, avoid artificial junk food and find balance in your career, relationships, spiritual practice and physical fitness. It is not complicated.
Someday we will see hospitals serving healthy foods. Any logical hospital director will be able to see that putting in an organic juice bar in a hospital would make a lot of sense. We will see the majority of hospital doctors, nurses and administrators living balanced lives so they can model for their patients what healthy living looks like.
Americans spend over $2.6 trillion dollars a year on healthcare, according to recent federal government data. That is on average $8,400 per person, far more than any other country in the world. If we took 1%, to 2% of that $2.6 trillion dollars, allocating it to education and prevention, healthcare could change dramatically. We could embrace the foundation of well-being rather than costly medicine and operations.
This is an enormous opportunity - an opportunity we ourselves can impact by feeding bodies the best whole local farm-fresh food and living a balanced healthy lifestyle.

About Sheila Mullen - The founder of Continuous Motion Consulting, Sheila is passionate about engaging friends, family and community in improving their lives and the lives of those around them. Sheila spent more than 20 years in technology sales, marketing and development. She also has a background in organizational development, innovation and executive wellness coaching.


Mary Tadych said...

Rex Hospitals in Raleigh are removing their deep-fat fryers. A good first step.

Anonymous said...

Well stated. Always enjoy your posts. Balance, which is the key, comes from information and education. Healthcare, unlike education and prevention, creates tremendous amounts of revenue. This is where human health efforts get out of balance. If only people would pay as much to learn about staying alive as they pay the medical industry to keep them alive.