Thursday, February 16, 2012

We Are All Scientists

Cindy talks to Channel 14 at our RiverTime STEM event for local fifth-graders last fall
Catawba River Women, by Carla Linster – Feb. 16, 2012
“We Are All Scientists” is the topic of the next Catawba River Women’s Group luncheon on Feb. 23. This simple statement can also be a powerful belief. Maybe it’s easier to deal with life’s difficulties if we use the scientific method. Through trial and error we gain information and knowledge to apply to a problem and eventually find a solution.
It’s also important to keep our minds open to new ideas so our experience and knowledge will expand. I find that I deal better with many tasks this way, from cooking dinner to talking with an auto mechanic. Keeping an open mind and trying to be objective is less stressful and usually yields better results.
We will learn much more about applying science and math to our daily lives on Feb. 23 from our luncheon speaker, Dr. Cindy Moss of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools. Cindy coordinates the STEM (Science, Technology, Education and Math) program for the 140,000-student school system. She also shares her knowledge through national programs such as Discovery Education and consulting with public and private groups globally.
Cindy is passionate about the role that science, technology, engineering and math play in our children’s lives both now and as adults. Advances in technology occur so quickly that we need to prepare our children for jobs that don't yet exist. How do we approach these educational needs of a rapidly evolving world? For starters, we can share our own scientific curiosity with our children. After all, our children will be the next inventors, the next communicators and the next caretakers. It’s up to us to facilitate their future and ours.
Want to go?
The Catawba River Women's group luncheon will take place 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Feb. 23 at Pine Island Country Club, 1701 Stoneyridge Drive, Charlotte (CLICK for a map). Cost for guests is $30. Call Anna Hastings at 704-813-6560 to learn more and to register, or send an email to
Learn more about Catawba River Women's Group, its programs and special events at its new Facebook page. The group's next event will be its St. Patrick's Day Social on March 8.

About Carla Linster – Carla, 47, is enjoying a “mid-life spring” after overcoming several medical problems. One new joy is working with “an amazing group of women,” the Catawba River Women’s Group, as they seek to create a sense of unity among communities along the Catawba River.

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