Friday, March 30, 2012

Go Fly a Kite!

Clean And Clear Catawba, by Alice Battle – March 30, 2012
I have blogged about the wonderful hikes Mecklenburg County guides on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month. These hikes are free to all who show up. The group meets at the Latta Plantation Nature Center at 9 am on the appointed day.
Last Tuesday’s hike was unique.  We ventured out to Cowan’s Ford Wildlife Refuge hoping to find birds.  In the quiet of the Preserve, we heard the calls of wild turkeys. As we waited quietly, two big tom turkeys came strutting out through the trees to the edge of the prairie.  One puffed up his chest feathers and raised his wings.  He was magnificent.
I tried to take a picture of him, but he became skittish and turned tail for the safety of the trees.  Now that he knew we were present he was not going to venture out again. I missed an opportunity.
Next we went to Rural Hill Plantation.  There was a soft breeze drifting across the field at the crest of the hill.  We decided to fly kites.
The kites were simple. The design is known as the bumble bee. It requires a sheet of copier paper, a ruler, a stapler, masking tape, a paper punch and lightweight string or thread. The construction took about five minutes.
The beauty of this kite is that it requires very little wind to fly.  In no time, it was aloft. It was like being a kid again.

About Alice Battle – Alice lives on Mountain Island Lake has served on numerous groups devoted to protecting the lake, including the Duke Energy Relicensing stakeholders group. She currently is Lakekeeper for the Catawba Riverkeeper Foundation.

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