OK, who tells Tom Turkey about Thanksgiving? The Hardin kids "ham" it up. |
That's Farming, by Jeffie Hardin – May 14, 2012
Mother’s Day (and even the day after) is a great time to
reminisce about family, children and all the wild times that come from them. I
love being a mother, from the cute, curled-up infant to the towering
teenager/young adult. And I’ve got to say I’ve been blessed beyond my dreams
with my crew.
When we started this adventure of farming 12 years ago, the
kids didn’t know what they were in for. None of us did. We’ve had some great
times living on Rivendell Farms. Witnessing a goat give birth to twins … even
triplets. Watching dad try to lasso a cow ... hilarious. Harvesting a huge crop
of tomatoes and eating corn minutes after picking it from the stalk.
And there have been some trying times. Times that make you
want to go live in a neighborhood. A colicky horse. Raccoons taking all your
watermelon and cantaloupe right before they were ready to be harvested. A row
of beans to pick that seems to go on forever and ever. A black snake eating
your chicks.
The Hardin kids are always there to help on the farm. |
Times like these have brought out the best in my children. Perseverance,
a work ethic that I’ve seldom seen matched by even many adults. Farm kids have
that toughness because they’ve developed it day in and day out. Farm kids have
to get up at the crack of down to care for their animals.
Before any showers or breakfast, Sarah is outside feeding
and watering her horses. She’ll give them hay and unlock the gate to their
fields. Ben is opening up the coop door to let the chickens roam outside. He’s
filling their feed bin, checking their water supply and then collecting any
eggs the hens have laid. Goats and cows have to be tended to as well. Day in
and day out … when it’s freezing cold, raining cats and dogs, or hot and humid,
my kids know they have to take care of their animals before they take care of
themselves. And then again at night before they go to bed.
Our older two children have gone off to college but help out
when they are back home. There isn’t any complaining … it’s just what we do. Consistency.
Perseverance. Taking care of your responsibility.
So on this day after Mother’s Day, I want to tell my
children how very proud I am of them and how very blessed I am to be their mom.
About Jeffie and Chris Hardin – The Hardins left suburban
life in 2001 for an 8-acre farm near Mountain Island Lake. Now the Hardins and
their children seek to grow half of their family’s food and help others grow
food, too.
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