Friday, August 31, 2012

Fall Is In The Air – A Great Time For Hikes

Clear And Clean Catawba, by Alice Battle – Aug. 31, 2012

The heat of summer is waning.  There is a new coolness in the air.  What a great time of year to get into the outdoors.

Once again Latta Plantation Nature Preserve on Mountain Island Lake is beginning a new season of hikes with a naturalist. Experience the wonders of the forest as we hike two to four miles through the fall colors. Learn about the forest, discover different species and become submerged in the environment around you. Get some exercise while you enjoy the tranquility! 

The hikes are free and are geared to the 18 and older crowd.  In September, the hikes will be on September 5 and 19.  They start at 9 a.m. and end about 11 a.m. Meet at the Nature Center at the entrance to Latta Plantation Nature Preserve. (CLICK HERE for a map and directions.) Wear comfortable shoes and clothing, bring water and enjoy the camaraderie of people with similar interests.

In October the hikes switch to the second and fourth Wednesday, the 10th and the 24th. November’s hikes will also be on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month. Wednesday is a new day of the week for the hikes. If you participated last season, the hikes were on Tuesday.

I look forward to seeing you on the trail!

About Alice Battle – Alice lives on Mountain Island Lake has served on numerous groups devoted to protecting the lake, including the Duke Energy Relicensing stakeholders group. She currently is Lakekeeper for the Catawba Riverkeeper Foundation.

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