Sunday, February 5, 2012

Birth of a Canine Good Citizen

Sage (on the right) and her sister, Pepper, when they were puppies

Sage Canine Advice, by Sage the Lab – Feb. 5, 2012
When I was still a puppy, my owners began taking me and my sister Pepper (Pepper is on the left) to the PetSmart for training. Thursday nights used to be a big night for us. We’d get so excited, work so very hard and end up utterly exhausted.  There are 9 major skills all dogs need to know to be considered a Canine Good Citizen:
  • Accept a friendly stranger
  • Sit politely for petting
  • Grooming and Appearance
  • Walk loosely on a lead
  • Walks through a crowd
  • Knows Sit , Down and Stay commands
  • Come when called
  • Act politely around other dogs
  • Remain composed with lots of distractions
  • Remain calm under supervised separation from owner
After two 8-week class sessions and lots of practice, my sister and I both took our tests. I was very proud when I graduated. Unfortunately my sister didn’t do well under skill 9 and 10 and didn’t pass. 
If you’d like more information, just search Canine Good Citizen. It’s an AKC (American kennel club) program open to all dogs.
I wear my tag and badge proudly. 
About Sage – Sage is an 8-year-old black Laborator retriever who has spent her whole life in the Catawba River District. Sage and her sister, Pepper, live with River District Executive Director Edna Chirico and Edna’s husband, John Huber.

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