Friday, February 3, 2012

Winter is the Catawba's clear time

Mountain Island Lake, on the Catawba River
Clean And Clear Catawba, by Alice Battle – Feb. 3, 2012

I have lived on Mountain Island Lake for 14 years. Every day I look out my window and see the Lake, part of the Catawba River, as a changing, vital entity. The seasons of the year bring different views - the migration of birds, the return of the ospreys, the return of motor vessels with skiers and tubers behind them, the fishermen, the kayakers.
Today the Catawba River is clear and pristine looking. No sediment discolors the water. The reason depends on two events – no heavy rain to produce run off and no motor vessels to create wakes that erode the shoreline.
The only debris is fallen tree branches. When many people are on the lake, Styrofoam cups, plastic soda bottles, plastic bags, and other things used to carry picnics, litter the water and shore. These items blow off the boats or are washed off the shore when the water level rises.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the lake looked as pristine all year round as it does today? This could happen if everyone participated.
  • Carry out what you carry in to your boat or fishing spot.
  • Maintain the 100-foot undisturbed shoreline buffer if you own lakeside property.
  • Be mindful of the damage your wake inflicts when you boat at high speed close to the shore.
About Alice Battle – Alice has lived on Mountain Island Lake for 14 years and has served on numerous groups devoted to protecting the lake, including the Duke Energy Relicensing stakeholders group. She currently is Lakekeeper for the Catawba River Foundation and a member of the Catawba River Women’s Group.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alice - thanks for reminding us how beautiful lake really is. It isn't to be taken for granted. Ann