Sunday, April 15, 2012

Birthdays in Dog Years

I'm 8, and I bet you can't spot a hint of grey! (Only my groomer knows for sure!)
Sage Canine Advice, by Sage Riverdog – April 15, 2012
You probably know dogs age faster than people. I just had a birthday the beginning of this month. My sister Pepper and I turned 8 years old. That’s the equivalent of us being in our 50s. We are showing some grey, but our energy level is just great because we get regular exercise and other adjustments that make our aging easier. 
Small dogs don’t age as fast as larger dogs, and pure breeds tend to age faster than mixed breeds or “pound puppies”. 
That's me, left, with my sister, Pepper.
As your dog ages you may want to follow some of these recommendations:
  1. Be sure and maintain regular exercise. Walking, hiking, swimming are great. Just keep an eye on your dog. If it is panting or looking tired, it’s time for a break. Older dogs can’t regulate their heat as well as younger ones. Since dogs only cool off through the pads of their feet and by panting, they can get overheated. Make sure there is always plenty of fresh water available. If you hike, be sure to pack a bowl and water for us.
  2. To cope with the reduced heat regulation, having a pet bed is a good idea. As dogs age they get the same aches, pains and stiffness as older people. Giving a muscle message to your dog helps ease the discomfort.
  3. As dogs get older they can also experience symptoms of diminished eyesight, smell and hearing. In addition, there is a form of dog Alzheimer's. Just keep an eye on your dog’s behavior and if it changes, check in with your vet.
  4. As joints get stiffer, humans  will need to make adjustments and potentially provide assistance in climbing stairs and getting into a car. Doggie stairs are a good idea. I don’t need anything like this yet, but my cousin, Black Cat, who lives in Nashville, has stairs to get up on beds since he’s quite overweight.
  5. Maintaining a healthy weight and adjusting dog food to a senior brand is really good for digestion and joints. My sister lost nearly 10 pounds last year, and she’s moving so much better now.
  6. I get my teeth brushed a few times a week. It took a while, but I have gotten used to having the doggie toothbrush put in my mouth. I really like the beef-flavored dog toothpaste! My vet said a damp washcloth rubbed over the teeth can also help in keeping tartar off my teeth and help my breath smell better. Plus healthy teeth keep me healthier, too.
I plan on turning grey gracefully and enjoying the second half of my life to its fullest. 8 is the new 5 as far as I’m concerned. Happy hiking!

About Sage – Sage is an 8-year-old black Labrador retriever who lives with River District Executive Director Edna Chirico and Edna’s husband, John Huber. Sage earned a Canine Good Citizen award, which allows her to visit nursing homes, hospitals and schools. Sage loves to run, fetch, swim, ride in boats, travel in the car and play with just about anyone, especially children. 

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