Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Future of Healthcare is Within Sight

Sustainable Healthy Living, by Sheila Mullen – April 21, 2012

John Lennon said, "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans." Sometimes blog topics push their way to the front of the line, even though I have the next several weeks of blog topics planned to focus on “sustainable living…communities, kitchens, pantries and so on.” I am very excited about the series, so please come back and enjoy the sustainable living series.

This blog apparently couldn’t wait. When it started writing itself in my head this morning I knew I needed to stop resisting and get it down on paper. It all started when a friend in Dubai sent me a fantastic article, “World Renown Heart Surgeon Speaks Out On WhatReally Causes Heart Disease,” by Dr. Dwight Lundell, M.D. I have provided the link to the article. It is well done, thorough, informative and worth your time reading. 

Very quickly, Dr. Lundell makes his case against the long-held medical community's belief that most heart disease was caused by elevated blood cholesterol and that the only accepted therapy was drugs to reduce cholesterol and severely restrict fat in-take. This is both wrong and harmful, he argues. Instead, he writes, the true cause of heart disease is inflammation in the artery walls that results from our diet, environment (internal and external) or allergies. 
Paradigm shift in heart-disease treatment
This new knowledge is causing a medical paradigm shift in how chronic ailments are treated, including heart disease. Dr. Lundell explains in detail what inflammation is, and how it is a natural body response intended to heal us that can become problematic when it is chronic and out of control. He says the solution is for us to return to whole foods in our diet and balance in our life, in order to address the sources of inflammation in our lives. 

As a health coach, at first, it was easy to dismiss Dr. Lundell as a “late to the party” doctor. For over 25 years, I have been reading everything written by Dr. Andrew Weil, a Harvard-trained physician who has been pointing to inflammation in the body as the root cause for chronic illness. Dr. Weil often suggests beginning with lifestyle changes, then, when necessary, integrating traditional medicine practices. Fundamentally, Dr. Weil’s approach is how I work with my clients to guide them in healing and creating well-being in their lives. What thrilled me most about Dr. Lundell’s article is the realization that doctors and health coaches actually have the same goals: We both want to help people feel better but we utilize different tools and approaches. 
Blending wellness and medical treatment
Doctors are trained to offer medical solutions through pharmaceutical drugs and surgery. Health coaches are trained to offer lifestyle solutions through nutrition, stress management and the implementation of healthy behavioral changes. We have different tools, complementing one another in order to achieve the same goal of health and wellness of our patients and clients. 

My vision is to have wellness centers where health coaches, working side by side with doctors, create integrative medical and preventative approaches to health and wellness. The wellness center will offer the best of traditional medicine practices intertwined with the best of holistic lifestyle management modalities in beautiful healing spaces available to everyone. The future of health care is within sight.
Be well!

About Sheila Mullen – The founder of Continuous Motion Consulting, Sheila is passionate about engaging friends, family and community in improving their lives and the lives of those around them. Sheila spent more than 20 years in technology sales, marketing and development. She also has a background in organizational development, innovation and executive wellness coaching.

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