Sunday, August 26, 2012

Frankie the (not so) Grand-Kitty

Frankie, my feline nemesis, on the guest bed with his blanket
Sage Canine Advice, by Sage Riverdog – Aug. 26, 2012

My life has been invaded this week by an 18-pound black cat they call Frankie. 
I remember this little nemesis when he was a kitten. He was found on the side of the street at about 5 weeks of age. He had blue eyes back then and they called him Frankie after Frank Sinatra. Emily, my  owners’ wonderful daughter brought him home and he became the love of her live. She has subsequently married and moved to Nashville – so now Emily has two loves.
Frankie contemplates an attack
Frank lived with us for a number of years. He used to ambush me and my sister from around corners and the backs of the sofa and sink his claws in until we cried. My sister Pepper and I were puppies at that time as well.
Frank visited during Christmas last year and it was OK. There were so many people coming and going he spent most of his time under the guest bed upstairs only coming down to demand being fed.

Frankie guards his precious cheese
This week has been different. He flew in with Emily in an animal carrier. He arrived with drugs in his system and went staggering around the house for a couple hours. He then began taking over. 

He sleeps on the bed with his very own blanket – I'm not allowed on the bed. He drinks from my water bowl, tried to eat my food and once again yells to get me out of his way.  I guess at 18 pounds he feels he can push me around.
I love it when my family arrives for a visit. I just hope they take Frank with them when they leave.

Frankie doing what he does best
About Sage – Sage is an 8-year-old black Labrador retriever who lives with River District Executive Director Edna Chirico and Edna’s husband, John Huber. Sage earned a Canine Good Citizen award, which allows her to visit nursing homes, hospitals and schools. Sage loves to run, fetch, swim, ride in boats, travel in the car and play with just about anyone, especially children. 

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