Sunday, September 30, 2012

Three Things I love about Autumn

Sage ready for Autumn on Main in Mount Holly
Sage Canine Advice, by Sage Riverdog – Sept. 30, 2012

There are three things that I really love about this time of year: community events and fairs that allow dogs, lying in the leaves on a cool day, and oatmeal. I spent last weekend at Mount Holly's annual Autumn on Main. My people helped at a booth that supports the Catawba River District and the Catawba River Women's Group. I love these events because I meet so many people who give me attention. I particularly love interacting with the shorter people who rub my head and tummy when I roll over.  

Being a social black lab, I thrive on attention.  It seems to me that the communities that host these types of events also thrive on them, because everyone I meet seems so happy to be there. 

Meditating on a fall day

My next favorite thing about fall is enjoying my own backyard.  I lie in the leaves and watch squirrels scurry about, getting ready for the winter. I watch acorns fall on the deck (my silly sister eats those things!). I will soon be rolling in the piles of leaves being raked - what fun!  

Enjoying the sights and sounds of autumn
The cool air has many scents and feels wonderful. If I get chilly I move to a sunny spot. This is my meditation and relaxation and it's way better than any of those silly Yoga poses I see going on in the house.

Oatmeal – yum!

The third wonderful thing about autumn is the many good smells in the kitchen. My sister virtually parks in front of the oven as the kitchen comes alive with smells of pumpkin pie, apples, soups and crock pot stews. 
I keep my nose focused on oatmeal on Saturday mornings. I know I'll be getting a second breakfast when I smell oatmeal.  My owners always make a little extra for us dogs. We love it straight – no milk or sugar; just the wholesome filling goodness of oatmeal.  
Did you know oatmeal is a good substitute for sensitive dogs' stomachs or dogs who are allergic to wheat?  Umm, my mouth is watering! Let's go check the kitchen.  

About Sage – Sage is an 8-year-old black Labrador retriever who lives with River District Executive Director Edna Chirico and Edna’s husband, John Huber. Sage earned a Canine Good Citizen award, which allows her to visit nursing homes, hospitals and schools. Sage loves to run, fetch, swim, ride in boats, travel in the car and play with just about anyone, especially children. 

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