Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Two Ways To Avoid Sugar Shock at Halloween

Sustainable Healthy Living, by Sheila Mullen - Sugary treats are everywhere from Halloween through the holidays, but you don't have to go into sugar shock to enjoy the season.  Below are two fantastic and free resources sharing ideas on how to nourish your body, mind and soul to be well throughout the holiday season.  
The first is a fall detox guide and the second is a conference call with a health coach discussing 3 Simple Tips for Surviving the Sugar Season. Here are two great free resources:

Fall Detox Guide:

The fall detox guide is a beautiful and informative free ebook sharing real food ideas to eat to nourish your body and easy your way through the sugary Halloween season. It is available from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. CLICK to get a copy. Fall Detox Guide

3 Simple Tips to Survive Sugar Season Recording:

In this short you will learn:

  • the easiest and most delicious way to kill your cravings
  • one behavior that's keeping you stuck - and how to fix it.
  • why having this kind of "treat" allows you to indulge and still feel great.

To access and listen to the complimentary recording dial (877) 780-5744.

The sweetest thing you can do for yourself is remember "what you focus on expands".  Make a list of things, people and places that make you feel warm, loved and appreciated.  Post it on your refrigerator. When you reach for that sugary snack, pause and ask yourself, "do I really want food to nourish my body or would a great big hug from a loved one fill you with the love and sweetness you crave?"

Be well.

About Sheila Mullen – The founder of Continuous Motion Consulting, Sheila is passionate about engaging friends, family and community in improving their lives and the lives of those around them. Sheila spent more than 20 years in technology sales, marketing and development. She also has a background in organizational development, innovation and executive wellness coaching.

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