Friday, June 21, 2013

New voices for the Catawba River District

June 21, 2013 – Greetings! I'm Rich Haag, head of communications for the River District. Our group and its many partners are working to create a regional model for healthy, enduring communities.
This new blog, River District Voices, will keep you informed on several of the River District's programs. Our writers are experts in their respective fields who also love our natural world and want this region to remain healthy for our descendants.
For instance, while I have spent the last 40 years in journalism, I'm also a strong advocate for the environment who loves riding bicycles (here at the Virginia Creeper Trail in southwest Virginia), hiking and camping with my family.
Like most endeavors, we can't do it alone.
We look forward to engaging you in our work as well. Feel free to comment often. Sign up for the email alerts for our latest posts. And share this blog and our other sites and newsletters with your friends.
We can only succeed if many people join us. I hope you will be one of them.
Rich Haag
Communications Director
The Catawba River District

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