Saturday, March 3, 2012

There Is More To Health Than Simply Eating Well

Sustainable Healthy Living, by Sheila Mullen – March 3, 2012
Nutrition is a funny science.  It is a still very much an emerging field.  What’s crazy about nutrition is it’s the only scientific field of study where people can scientifically prove opposing theories and still be correct.  Scientists stick to the facts.  Facts are verified by repeatable experiments. Fact: water boils at 100 degrees C/212 degrees F.   
Fact: gravity pulls objects down to the Earth. 
But we have yet to discover the same definitive truth about nutrition and health. We truly are only beginning to understand the relationship between our diet and our health. Americans are increasingly confused about food, despite all the nutritional research that’s been done and all the diet books that have been published.
Your healthy meal might be another person's poison
I’ve learned there is probably no one right way of eating. What works for one person could be essentially poison to another person’s body. I learned this truth the hard way, while training for marathons. Runner’s World magazine was my bible. I wanted to learn from the experts what it takes to be an efficient and healthy athlete. I followed the suggestions to increase healthy complex carbohydrates like whole-wheat products, fruit, vegetables and beans. Carbohydrates promote good health by delivering vitamins, minerals, and fiber, but ultimately the body uses these carbohydrates for energy.
What baffled me for years was that by following this sage and proven advice, I got sicker with each marathon. After eight years I discovered I am gluten intolerant, meaning I should not eat many of the core foods that make up a traditional athlete's diet: wheat, barley, rye and oat products. I was eating more and more of the foods that were actually poisoning and destroying my body from the inside out. 
I started thinking there must be more to health than simply eating health foods.
Know yourself
I believe the key to health is to understand each person’s individual needs, rather than following a set of predetermined rules. Evidence shows that having happy relationships, a fulfilling career, an exercise routine and an inspiring spiritual practice are even more important than daily diet.
People are hungry for information about how to create a happy life and relieved to discover an approach that is flexible, fun and free of dogma and discipline. As you improve your overall health, happiness, joy and abundance you will empower yourself to pursue the life of your dreams. 
In the next blog post I will describe the difference between primary food and secondary food.  Finding a place of balance for yourself in both categories can lead to you living a life that will light your fire and allow you to share with the world all of your amazing and unique talents. 
Next blog: Primary Food

About Sheila Mullen - The founder of Continuous Motion Consulting, Sheila is passionate about engaging friends, family and community in improving their lives and the lives of those around them. Sheila spent more than 20 years in technology sales, marketing and development. She also has a background in organizational development, innovation and executive wellness coaching.